08:43:22 From Anna Parra : Goo morning everyone! I hope you new year is off to a great start for all. 08:44:07 From Juana Ochoa : Buenos dias 08:56:33 From Hugo Pelayo (he/him) : Zip recruiter 08:57:12 From ISIDRO VILLANUEVA : https://hr.lacounty.gov/ 08:59:01 From Scott McNeely : Thanks, Isidro. 08:59:25 From Theresa Velasco : https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/lacounty 09:00:40 From David Galaviz : Thanks to Idisro and County staff for their information on County workforce issues. The USC Health Sciences Campus is facing similar issues. 09:01:49 From Hugo Pelayo (he/him) : Volume is kind of low 09:15:01 From Kristina Burgos : I apologize, I need to drop off. Thank you for the information. 09:26:54 From Pamela Agustin, Eastside LEADs : All of the information that we just reviewed can be found here: https://dcba.lacounty.gov/noevictions/ 09:27:14 From Pamela Agustin, Eastside LEADs : Toda informacion que repasamos puede verse en: https://dcba.lacounty.gov/noevictions/ 09:37:14 From Elijah Flores : If you received an eviction go to: www.stayhousedla.org 09:38:06 From Kassandra Carrillo : Si recibió un desalojo, vaya a: www.stayhousedla.org 09:40:27 From Heather Hays (she/her) : Here's a link to the RFP on the DEO website: https://doingbusiness.lacounty.gov/solicitation-search/?type=solMainSearch&val=centennial 09:42:09 From Kassandra Carrillo : Aquí hay un enlace a la RFP en el sitio web de DEO: https://doingbusiness.lacounty.gov/solicitation-search/?type=solMainSearch&val=centennial 09:43:55 From Pamela Agustin, Eastside LEADs : It looks like the timeline for developer selection was extended. Is this true? 09:43:55 From Ari Arambula : Was/will the RFP be advertised nationally? 09:44:23 From Scott McNeely : Can a non-developer attend the non-mandatory site walk? 09:46:06 From Pamela Agustin, Eastside LEADs : Can HICP partners attend this March 1 walk? 09:47:38 From Scott McNeely : Thank you, Heather. 09:48:09 From Ari Arambula : is there public bid site that shows which firms have downloaded the RFP and access to the questions by the bidders and the answers? 09:49:47 From Scott McNeely : Will there be a published list of companies submitting RFPs? I ask, since our technology is geared to post real estate development, I'd like to reach out to the developers for potential partnership. 09:50:49 From Kassandra Carrillo : Questions/Preguntas: Pamela Agustin: It looks like the timeline for developer selection was extended. Is this true?/ Parece que se amplió el plazo para la selección de desarrolladores. ¿Es esto cierto? Ari Arambula: Was/will the RFP be advertised nationally? / ¿Se publicitará el RFP a nivel nacional? Pamela Agustin: Can HICP partners attend this March 1 walk? / ¿Pueden los socios de HICP asistir a esta caminata del 1 de marzo? Scott McNeely: Can a non-developer attend the non-mandatory site walk? / ¿Puede un no desarrollador asistir a la caminata del sitio no obligatoria? Ari Arambula: is there public bid site that shows which firms have downloaded the RFP and access to the questions by the bidders and the answers? / ¿Existe un sitio de licitación pública que muestre qué empresas han descargado la RFP y acceso a las preguntas de los licitadores y las respuestas? 09:51:13 From Roberto Roque : had to log off. thank you for updates 09:51:42 From Kassandra Carrillo : Questions/Preguntas: Scott McNeely: Will there be a published list of companies submitting RFPs? I ask, since our technology is geared to post real estate development, I'd like to reach out to the developers for potential partnership. / ¿Habrá una lista publicada de empresas que presenten RFP? Pregunto, dado que nuestra tecnología está diseñada para publicar desarrollos inmobiliarios, me gustaría comunicarme con los desarrolladores para una posible asociación. 09:55:11 From Yolanda Duarte-White : have to log off...thank you for all the updates 09:55:33 From Juana Ochoa : Lo que me emociona es el aprovechamiento del espacio para beneficio del Exito en todo el plantel 09:57:36 From Kassandra Carrillo : Comment/ Comentario: Juana Ochoa: What excites me is the use of space for the benefit of Success throughout the campus. / Lo que me emociona es el aprovechamiento del espacio para beneficio del Exito en todo el plantel. 09:57:46 From Ari Arambula : if there are no acceptable proposals in this round, will the county redo? unacceptable could be a too low number of affordable units or non alignment with community priorities. 09:58:47 From Kassandra Carrillo : Questions/ Preguntas: Ari Arambula: if there are no acceptable proposals in this round, will the county redo? unacceptable could be a too low number of affordable units or non alignment with community priorities. / si no hay propuestas aceptables en esta ronda, ¿volverá a hacer el condado? inaceptable podría ser un número demasiado bajo de unidades asequibles o la falta de alineación con las prioridades de la comunidad. 10:01:05 From Ari Arambula : advertising to only those who are already on the county vendor list is a "private" notice. There should be a public notice in a publication likely to reach the developer/banking/financing community -- wall st. journal for example. 10:03:46 From Kassandra Carrillo : Comment/Comentario: Ari Arambula: advertising to only those who are already on the county vendor list is a "private" notice. There should be a public notice in a publication likely to reach the developer/banking/financing community -- wall st. journal for example. / anunciar solo a aquellos que ya están en la lista de proveedores del condado es un aviso "privado". Debe haber un aviso público en una publicación que pueda llegar a la comunidad de desarrolladores/banca/finanzas -- wall st. diario por ejemplo. 10:04:00 From Scott McNeely : Thank you, Heather! 10:05:15 From David Galaviz : Doug/Rosa - This is David Galaviz with USC. We have some experience in ensuring that we are sending our university-wide RFP’s out for projects to as diverse audiences as possible. Would like to connect you with our folks to discuss their work and lessons learned.Contact dgalaviz@usc.edu 10:07:20 From Dr. Brian Hurley, SAPC, LA County Department of Public Health : Hi everyone, this slide deck on display is available via http://drive.google.com/file/d/1FF0w7ZrjbCB4Y1KjIJf3dT0a3UHg5nw7 10:09:13 From Kassandra Carrillo : Comment/Comentario: Dr. Brian Hurley: Hi everyone, this slide deck on display is available via http://drive.google.com/file/d/1FF0w7ZrjbCB4Y1KjIJf3dT0a3UHg5nw7/ Hola a todos, esta plataforma de diapositivas en exhibición está disponible a través de http://drive.google.com/file/d/1FF0w7ZrjbCB4Y1KjIJf3dT0a3UHg5nw7 10:09:51 From David Galaviz : Thanks all. Need to leave for another meeting. This is great information. 10:14:35 From Juana Mena Ochoa(Ella) : Esta situacion de abuso de fentanyl esta afectando a los Jovenes principalmente y por siguiente la Familia que su salud Mental se afecta 10:15:58 From Francisco Sanchez : Would you know how available is naloxone within communities in L.A. County? 10:16:05 From Kassandra Carrillo : Comment/Comentario: Juana Mena Ochoa: This situation of fentanyl abuse is affecting young people mainly and, consequently, the Family that their Mental health is affected. / Esta situacion de abuso de fentanyl esta afectando a los Jovenes principalmente y por siguiente la Familia que su salud Mental se afecta 10:17:55 From Kassandra Carrillo : Questions/Preguntas: Francisco Sanchez: Would you know how available is naloxone within communities in L.A. County? / ¿Sabría qué tan disponible está la naloxona en las comunidades del condado de Los Ángeles? 10:17:57 From Juana Mena Ochoa(Ella) : Esta informacion esta en las escuelas 10:18:14 From Francisco Sanchez : Gracias Juana 10:19:09 From Austin Galliguez : they are afraid of getting arrested 10:19:22 From Ari Arambula : They don't know there is an antidote 10:19:25 From Christina Cardenas : Legal consequences 10:19:54 From Maria Torres : they don't think they have a problem 10:20:06 From Christina Cardenas : Denial 10:20:52 From Kerry Morrison : it also could be that as a society -- we have not offered better life alternatives -- such as purpose through jobs, school etc. 10:20:58 From Juana Mena Ochoa(Ella) : Quizas Tambien porque no saben como pedir ayuda ya sea a los padres o en la escuela 10:22:27 From Dr. Brian Hurley, SAPC, LA County Department of Public Health : Slides are accessible here: http://drive.google.com/file/d/1FF0w7ZrjbCB4Y1KjIJf3dT0a3UHg5nw7 10:23:08 From Scott McNeely : I have a zoom call in 10 min. Thanks all for the information. Have a great weekend! 10:25:43 From Kerry Morrison : I know this discussion is focused on health and prevention -- but is there a movement to intervene upstream -- the manufacturers and distributors - who should be arrested for murder in some instances? 10:27:20 From Francisco Sanchez : I’m curious about how widely available is… I knew of narcan, but not naloxone. 10:28:29 From Juana Mena Ochoa(Ella) : Como lo pueden adquirir si no tienen cobertura medica eso es muy preocupante 10:29:13 From Francisco Sanchez : It does, thank you! 10:29:43 From Kassandra Carrillo : Question/Pregunta: Juana Mena: How can they acquire it if they do not have medical coverage, that is very worrying / Como lo pueden adquirir si no tienen cobertura medica eso es muy preocupante 10:39:30 From Francisco Sanchez : Thank you 10:39:48 From Dr. Brian Hurley, SAPC, LA County Department of Public Health : Slides are accessible here: http://drive.google.com/file/d/1FF0w7ZrjbCB4Y1KjIJf3dT0a3UHg5nw7 10:40:36 From Sylvia Meza, LAC+USC Medical Center Foundation, Inc. : SYLVIA MEZA 408-661-6078 10:40:56 From Sylvia Meza, LAC+USC Medical Center Foundation, Inc. : Reach out to her for any drug awareness requests 10:40:59 From Ari Arambula : police reform 10:42:14 From Francisco Sanchez : Thank you for everyone today, awesome meeting 10:42:23 From Juana Mena Ochoa(Ella) : Gracias 10:42:24 From Sylvia Meza, LAC+USC Medical Center Foundation, Inc. : Thanks all! 10:42:29 From Angela Salazar : Thank you all!